Friday, July 26, 2013


kin·dle (verb)
 [ kínd'l ]  
start burning: to set something alight, or begin to burn



Pardon the drastically long time intermission without any posts, I was informed by others, of the Vanderbilt Road Show. Essentially, the office of Undergraduate Admissions in Vanderbilt University travels around the U.S., holding a 90 minute presentation of the campus. It just so happens that Vanderbilt University will be stopping in NYC. This is an opportunity to learn  more about possible choices of universities you may wish to apply to.  You are free to answer questions to the staff who will follow up with responses. No ticket or fee is required. To learn more information of the roadshow visit:

Jason Cruz

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fast Track

Hello Bugers,
 I am back again just wanted to give you an update about my previous post. So Yea.
The Fast Track Program is not only for Finance Majors but for people who want to go into medicine and other things like that. Plus College is expensive but they give Money Opportunities!!!!!!!!!! So Hurry Hurry Applications are due in September.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Placidcalm; peaceful

Example: Her expression was placid and peaceful whenever she painted; it gave her a feeling of peace.

Jason Cruz


Here is the first of an installment that I wanted to bring to a blog, where tips and advice will be provided for high-school students. Here it is:

Yes, a schedule. Although it is a little cliche, a schedule can make a huge difference in school and even outside. Before you throw away your school planner or that little notebook that you almost never even touched, think twice. A schedule/ planner can help you organize your life. Plan specific volunteer/ program dates with their times, a birthday, event with friends, test, quizzes, periods to study and even homework or projects. I can't tell you enough how useful and helpful it could have been for me or other students in school. Avoid spending 5 hours up at night doing homework, or procrastinating till the last minute. Try it; even just for a week you will see what a great help it is.

Jason Cruz


Remunerationpayment for work done

Example: All office holders receive no remuneration from membership funds


Hey y'all,

Today I have a volunteer opportunity that is more festive than the others before. Holiday Adopt a Floor Program is a new program at the Isabella Home Care (mentioned in the previous volunteer opportunity), where grade-schoolers, high-schoolers and group organizations are given the opportunity to provide the Isabella Resident community with a sense of holiday cheer and home during different holidays (such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. Groups are asked to create holiday activities for the residents and/or holiday decorations for their assigned floor, by using their own creative ideas. Below is the link to a website with information on it. Click the box that says Holiday Adopt a Floor Program Description for more information and how to join. Leave a comment or contact me for any other questions.

Jason Cruz

Monday, July 8, 2013


Hey Guys,

Check out this website.

It provides many youths with scholarships, seed grants, $500, to make a change in your community, and INTERNSHIPS. Which are due on August 30th. Don't worry, their office is in Manhattan. They encourage young people to take action in their community which is why I love this website. It is what gave me the idea to make this blog.

Become a member and sign up for their newsletters. They always send new scholarship and internship opportunities.

If you decide to look this up. Go to the website. They are incredibly descriptive and you shouldn't be confused about anything.

Sat Vocabulary Prep #1

Hey guys,

Here are the three words for today. Sorry I'm late.

Abhor- Hate

"Nature hates a vacuum, but not as much as cats do."

Bigot- Narrow-minded, prejudiced person

" said that seriously? You are a prejudice person!

Counterfeit- Fake; false

"Fake Money"

Here's your sentence challenge topic: Youth
Make a five sentence paragraph of this topic with the three words in it.

Good luck :)


Talisman (noun) - An object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, thought to have magical powers and bring good luck.

  • He has become a talisman for the fans, the man who provides moments of excitement which have defined the last two seasons.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sat Vocabulary Prep

Starting tommorow we will give out sat vocabulary prep. We will give three words with their definitions and we will give a sentence challenge where we will give you a topic and you will have to make a paragraph with five sentences, no less no more, and you have to put in the words so that it all fits with the topic. At the end of each week we will make you write a paragraph that has ten random words that you have learned through out the year. You do not need to do this, but it is for you to try out on your own. If you want us to look at the paragraphs that you make you can send it to us and we'll look at them for you. We will also show you our own paragraphs. We will do the work along side with you. 

Have a great rest of your day. 😄


Noxiousharmful; poisonous; lethal

Example: The town was filled with a noxious gas with waste and dead animals.

Jason Cruz


Hey y'all,

I was informed by my sister of this great volunteer opportunity. The Isabella is a home for the elderly. Part of the volunteers tasks is to help them with what they need, give them food, and most importantly show companionship and comfort. One of the main requirements is to be committed and completing 100 hours. As overwhelming as it may seem, this will complete the minimum requirement of community service hours (however, you should still consider a variety of volunteer opportunities), plus their schedule is very flexible. You may come in at almost at any time or almost any day to your liking (weekends too). This would look great on a college app, as it shows commitment and community outreach. If you are considering it, act quickly (ASAP!!!). I have a link to the application. Read carefully and complete the indicated fields. If there are any issues or questions please contact me. One more thing! Isabella is located around 190th in Manhattan

Jason Cruz

Fast Track Program

The Wall Street Finance and Scholastic Training (FAST) Track Program is a rigorous nine-month program that  exposes talented women and minority high school students to the financial services industry. Beginning in October, students meet with mentors twice a month and focus on developing skills in two key areas: financial literacy and career/personal development.
To learn more visit the website at:
The application:
REMEMBER: Be opened minded even if you are not interested in the financial are its a good place for mentoring and scholarships.

Saturday, July 6, 2013



So.....this blog is due for some form of extra curricular activity. The first volunteer opportunity is from Green Teens. Volunteers will work in NYC parks, cleaning up, painting benches, planting trees, picking up fallen trees, etc. You can come in as an individual or come in groups. Unfortunately I wasn't able to upload the picture of my email or obtain link to their website, so here's a copy and paste. Read carefully if you and/or others are interested in the opportunity. 

 Hi Jason,

If you are still looking for an opportunity to volunteer with NYC Parks,
please email us at to obtain an application.

NYC Parks

Use the contact information below to get in touch with the organization.

You can contact Durice Jones at:
Address: 830 5th Avenue  New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-408-0243
Volunteer opportunity you inquired about: Manhattan Green Teens

NYC Service | Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor
For more information and to find volunteer opportunities throughout the
five boroughs, call 311 or visit:

Jason Cruz

Friday, July 5, 2013



           This blog, Common Views is for high schoolers who want to be more informed about things and want to know how they can get the best out of the high school experience. Through this blog we, the authors, will post many things such as extracurricular activity ideas and programs. We will also include the websites. There will be sat vocab prep and internships that we would inform you about. We will help you with how you can get your community service hours. There are many out there and many community service opportunities in our own neighborhood, Washington Heights and Inwood. We will give out community service websites. We will also give out advise on volunteer opportunities and scholarships. We hope that this website helps and that you feel confident that our information is vaild because we have the big source of information, our school. Please note that nobody has to be part of a group. Any questions that you have please ask us.